This is big one for me.
I am living in chronic pain. Every single day... I have pain. All the time. The only relief I ever get is from sleeping. (I know some can't sleep.. So trust me! I do not take that for granted!)
However.. I still can't get any of my doctors to treat my pain. Not with anything! I don't really want pain killers. But SOMETHING would be nice!
It took me around 9 years just to get a doctor to look at my back because I said I am in pain. They looked at me (a young, seemingly healthy individual) and dismissed me as being a drug seeker. No one would take me seriously! For 9 years!!! And now! I have so many problems with my spine, the only 'treatment' is surgery. Which I'm not about to do at the ripe ole age of 25. Too many risks for my liking...
So with no treatment for any of my pain.. I just deal with it. And I hate it.
I hate that their is a stigma against people with chronic pain. I hate that we can't get the care we need and deserve because of others that are addicts.
I hate that the people that ARE given pain killers for their chronic pain are looked down on by the public. They are deemed addicts because they need their pain killers to live.
Could you imagine living in pain every day, and they only way to function at a semi normal level to complete your every day tasks required pain killers. And then. On top of all that hell.. To have people judge you for using your PRESCRIBED pain killers?!
I don't understand how people think it's okay to judge others based on what they think is 'excessive'.
My bestie was once attacked on social media for saying she uses pain killers. This 'person' had the gall to tell her she is just a drug addict because she uses opioids. All I can say is what a BITCH!
What the hell does she know!? And my bestie doesn't even the whole dose prescribed to her. She is super careful and tries to just tough it out anyway.
I hate not having pain treatment.. But while I'm finding new doctors, I think it's best to not be on any medication at the same time. This way, no doctor can dismiss my symptoms due to drug side effects. (Not that they wont try and dismiss for every other reason they can think of...)
Have any of you been called or treated as drug addicts because of your pain, or pain treatment? What do you/ have you done about it?
Share your stories below!