Saturday, September 13, 2014

Have you ever wanted to just rip off your arms and legs?

I have!! Especially today! My whole body is so uncomfortable today!! I guess the only way I can explain it to someone that doesn't have EDS is this: It's kind of like when you need to crack your knuckles.... You know that feeling you get where they just get uncomfortable? You try to crack them but they just wont do it? That is what I feel in every single joint. Another example would be (for those that don't crack their knuckles to understand) would be like sitting in the coach section of an airplane for your entire life. You just can't get comfortable in those stupid little, no space to even sneeze chairs. That is my life. Every single day. I am just soooooooooooo uncomfortable!!! My right shoulder is one of my worse joints. So it kept falling out of place this morning. I know it sounds crazy to someone that has never witnessed it. I mean seriously? Before this started happening to me, I wouldn't have believed anyone had they told me their joints just fall out of socket. It sounds so made up. Well.... It's not. So my shoulder wont stay in it's stupid socket today. My knees are also very loose. Which makes driving a manual extra exciting. They pop back into place every time I straighten my leg. It's not much painful anymore as it is really uncomfortable and incredibly frustrating.

Aside from my more so than usual loose joints today, I have also noticed a new symptom and new pattern with it. My left eye droops. Only in the morning. The first time it happened I thought maybe it was a stye. But it just went away by the afternoon. It isn't every day. But every time it happens it's always in the morning.

My kids are gone this weekend. They are at 'grandma's' for the weekend!!! I got to sleep in today till 7:30!! It was bliss. I love my babies to bits! But it is soo nice having a little break! I'm watching "Satisfied" on demand. Such a weird show but I can't help it.. I really like it.

I wonder if one day, doctors will be able to safely give people like me fake arms and legs we can just remove when we need to. Then I would only need to worry about dislocating my ribs. No biggy. It only takes a few days to get those back in place. Ya know what? Maybe they could throw the spine in too. I hate mine. It's so jacked up.

Hard to believe at only 25 I have more problems than my most 50 year olds. Just part of the joy I guess. You wouldn't believe how many times I've heard "You're too young to have these problems." I just respond with "God doesn't discriminate." What the hell does that even mean?! I guess it's just something to say when you don't know what to say. But here is a little piece of advice for those of you that meet someone with a chronic illness. Don't say anything if you don't know what to say! More is not better! Something is not better than nothing! Just shut up! Listening can be very helpful for the chronically ill patient. Listening and understanding and above all BELIEVING them!!! That is what you can do!

Now, here is a hilarious video for you ladies and an educational one for the men. Please take notes!

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