Friday, December 19, 2014

You're Such A Drama Queen

What was that? Your arm was severed off? Stop over reacting. You do have another one! Geez. 

So selfish for wanting two arms... I know people like that too... I mean, mostly because I'm one of them!

I hate that when I say anything to anyone that DOESN'T have EDS, they look at me like I'm such a drama queen and just over reacting. 

Me: "Ouch! My finger just dislocated! *Pop* Okay, back in." 
Someone else: "Ugh! Seriously?! You're finger did not just dislocate!" 

Right... Because all my doctors are wrong and you know all.... Sorry all-wise-one.

I just don't know what I need to do to be taken seriously! Even my doctors have totally dismissed me when I've told them. CORRECTION, SHOWED THEM!! things and they still just look at me like I'm crazy for complaining my joints fall out of place. 

Like I'm this insane person and shouldn't be complaining about such trivial things. As if I ran to the ED for a paper cut or something.

What is it?! Because I'm a young adult woman? Probably.. And I don't really know why. I mean... Kids get sick and everyone says, "Aw. Poor thing." Old people get sick and people feel bad because they are old.. But young-ish adults and middle aged people... Well.. We are just drug seeking attention whores. 

Why?! I'm pretty sure everyone gets sick! Why the hell is it so hard to be taken seriously?! 

I could see it now. I walk into the ED because my stomach explodes. They put my insides back in and put a bandaid (which I'm allergic to) over the gaping whole and send me home. But don't forget the $45,000 bill for the bandaid.

I am 25. Not a child anymore but not old enough to remember the segregation either. So I guess that means I can never be ill or have problems without being called a drama queen. 

Who makes up stuff like this?!! Why would I want to seek medical attention if there wasn't a problem?! 

Oh, I know.. There is a disease about that. I KNOW!! 

BUT!!! If they thought I was just crazy and attention seeking and had Munchausen's, then why aren't they trying to treat that?! Anyone else wonder this shit?! 

Anyone else just a drama queen, drug seeking, over reacting child? Share your stories below!! :)

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