Wednesday, December 10, 2014

I Am Gumby's Secret Love Child

That's right. Gumby has a secret love child and it's me! I'm exposing Gumby and his dirty sexual escapades! 

Really though, I may as well have been. With Ehlers Danlos comes my extreme flexibility. To the point I don't even know what's considered normal. AND when I wear braces to keep from hyper--extending my joints, I really don't understand how people live with such low range of motion. 

I mean. I guess it's normal range of motion but mine is normally soooooooooooo much more, it feels restrictive to me. Like, how do normal people carry more than two things at once?! There fingers don't stretch out sideways! It just blows my mind how they are able to get anything done, ever.

I was looking up normal range of motion and found some interesting things. Did you know normal people can't bend their wrists more than 60 degrees in either direction!???!!! That is crazy to me!! I must be honest. I just don't get it! I've never been "normal", especially in that area. 

Look at this shit! 

Normal range of motion.

And then me.....

And that's just one joint! 

I may be all Gumby and pliable. But I really don't know how else to do things. It's almost a blessing and curse. A double edged sword if you will. 

That is my left arm by the way. 

It's not just being super bendy though. Obviously. There are soooooooo many aspects to EDS it's fricken bananas. Mmmm. Bananas.

My EDS has affected my heart, skin, joints, tendons, eyes, muscles, teeth, mouth, GI track, pancreas, brain, bladder, and more. It is seriously a systemic disorder. 

And it sucks. But sometimes, it is really cool. Like when I'm all alone and my back itches. I can reach the whole with ease. Picture it now... "Oh. My arm doesn't want to bend that way? I'll just dislocate it. Ah, there we go." 

Now, not everyone with EDS will be affected the same way. For some, the dislocations are incredibly painful. Some cannot dislocate on command. I can. And usually, they are not too painful. But, they still can be. Especially if they are random or accidental.

I still can't get over the normal range of motion. How do those freaks even get around!??! 

And other bendies out there that just don't understand the normal range of motion??!! I mean, really, HOW do normies live!? 

P.S. It has been brought to my attention that my background on the left of my page looks like an erect penis. Has anyone thought or noticed this?! And why was it not brought to my attention. 

Enjoy. You cannot unsee what you are about to see. 0_o

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