First off!!! I am excited to announce that my first guest blog went live on Wednesday!! You can find it at Riot Against...
I am incredibly excited to be apart of the Riot Against... team and writing with them. I am honored that they thought I would be a good fit for their team and that I get to join them on sharing our experiences, journey's, and awareness for our conditions. I am truly blessed and honored.
Alrighty! Moving along... Next stop, Thanksgiving!
I had a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving!!!! For those that celebrate the most amazing gluttonous holiday of all time, I hope you all enjoyed it too. :) I had lots of family and great food! I made my homemade pierogis (which takes roughly 4 hours to make... So I'm pretty much doing a lot of nothing today to recover). My family even did the dishes! I didn't even ask them to! It was amazing. They said because I hosted, they would do the clean up. Which let me tell you... I super appreciated! If they hadn't done it, it would still probably be a huge mess today.. And I honestly don't even know if I would get around to cleaning it up. So YAY!! It's done, and it was great. :) We fried our turkey and it was DELICIOUS!!
I ALSO wanted to say that the Ehlers Danlos Awareness shirts and hoodies have been sent to the printer and should be arriving with you all soon!!! I'm so blown away that you all like my design! It is seriously super awesome to see people wearing a shirt/ hoodie that I designed. Thank you all for your support! I cannot express enough how honored I am. You make me smile. :)
OOOHHHHHH!!! I was recently contacted via facebook from a fellow zebra... And she told me how much she loved my blog. It seriously made my day. She was soo sweet (and obviously knows good writing when she reads it) and it really made me feel like I was making a difference. She said her whole family reads it, and she is able to relate. It also shows her family that she isn't just crazy because I go through this stuff too.
I started this blog in hopes of relating to others that may feel alone, AND so that I don't feel so alone. Knowing other people experience the same weird shit really just makes it easier to go through the weird shit..
Anyway.. I know this post is kind of just a bunch of points. But I promise, I have a normal post in my mind I will write out later..
Gotta get my littles outside and burn off some energy before make my head explode!! That would be a huge mess and "Ain't nobody got time for that."