Thursday, February 5, 2015

I Thought It Was A Good Thing?!

Holy shit. I didn't realize how long it's been since my last post!

It is crazy how fast time flies! It felt like only a week. Not over a month!!

Anyway. I have fun news!

After the passing of our last dog, we were planning on getting another. We wanted a weimaraner and we going to get one through a breeder. Well, then my husband saw the cutest doggy in Facebook. He was in a shelter and losing weight from stress. It was bad. So of course our plan changed and we saved him. He is so sweet! About 2 years old, Pitt/Lab mix. Such a cutie pie!

Soooo! Now that we have this new dog. And he isn't all super old and has energy (unlike our last one), I walk him twice a day now. Once in the morning before I get my kids up and ready for school, and once at night after I put them to bed.

Its great because he is so active it makes me HAVE to STAY active!

I mean it's easy to do something one day as then do nothing for 3 days. Or more like 3 months. Whatever. Don't judge. I KNOW I'm soooo out of shape!!

So this walking has been great and all because, well duh, I'm up and moving. Which is good all around.

But now that its been 2 weeks. Its not. I'm actually in more pain now than I was before. My back, hips, and knees are angry with me and they are not afraid to let me know!

What a catch 22. Work out and it will help stabilize. But working out (yes, walking is a type of exercise! I checked!) makes my pain so much worse.

I'm staying with it. For Bentley (our new fur child). But I must say, I hope I hit a comfortable place soon or I may get a wheelchair and just have him pull me.

Anyone else ever start to workout or change your routine to try and better yourself to just have it laugh at you? Did it pass? Did you stay strong or give up? Comment below! 

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