Monday, September 15, 2014

Talk About A Pain In The Neck

Today has been a really hard day. First of all, I woke up late. Which sucks because then I can't lay in bed for a few minutes to give my body time to adjust and ready to get going. I get super stiff in the mornings.. Thank you EDS. Don't know what I'd do without all the cracking in the morning. It's like I'm a walking bowl of that cereal. What is it called? Rice krispies. That's it.

Any way. So I woke up late and had to rush to get my daughters up and ready, make them breakfast, and make my oldest lunch and off to school. So because I didn't have my few minutes of adjustment this morning during my headless chicken state, my neck is killing me!!!! All day long!!!! Which then gave me a Chiari headache. It's like a normal headache I guess. But it's worse and starts at the back of the head instead of the front.

But because my body hates me so much, along with my sore stiff neck and massive headache, my hands have been going numb off and on all day too.

Plus! I think I'm getting a cold. Thank you youngest daughter. I may have to keep my kids from schools and become one of those homeschooling parents. Sending them there is like a death sentence for all of us. So far, every one has been sick. And now I'm the last to get it. Fantastic. I thought maybe, just maybe, God had my back this time and saved me from the torture. Nope. I was wrong.

And I have a French test tomorrow in my class! Tomorrow will be a long day. Ugh. Hopefully God is just playing a joke and I'm not really getting sick. Like tomorrow I'll wake up totally fine (aside from my usual problems) and he'll say "just kidding".

I'm thinking tonight will be an order dinner kind of night. I don't feel well. And the city had to shut down the water to fix a pipe somewhere and now we are on a boil water notice. Seriously. I do not feel like cooking, much less boiling water to cook and clean with.

Hope all of you have had a great day, will have a great day. Stay well my fellow chiarians and zebras. I have to go order some pizza.

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